Issue 10


Prisha Shroff, 15 years old.

After witnessing the devastation by wildfires in California, she created an AI system to prevent wildfires, which uses real-time NASA and NOAA meteorological data to predict wildfires.

Put them out before they ever start.


"Because that’s what people who defy the odds do. That’s how people who become great at things—whether it’s flying or blowing through gender stereotypes—do.

They start. Anywhere. Anyhow.

They don’t care if the conditions are perfect or if they’re being slighted. They do whatever it takes. Because they know that once they get started, if they can just get some momentum, they can make it work."

Ryan Holiday


Coming soon to your neighborhood?

The legalization and regulation of marijuana is controversial, and your views about it likely influenced by the family you grew up in.

Vaping and weed use has skyrocketed with middle and high school students. There is no magic bullet for preventing teenage drug use. But you can influence your teen's decisions by talking to them about it.

Read up with this short summary and tip sheet from Stanford Children's Health.

And how does this affect communities already struggling with higher rates of alcohol and nicotine addiction? Where you live can be a major influence on your life being healthy or unhealthy.

Or maybe you have just discovered your teen is using pot? What next?

Each parent will approach conversations about drugs and alcohol differently, depending on their sense of ease and connection with their young person, comfort and confidence to know what to say, and personal values.

Look for everyday opportunities to discuss it, or by including the harmful effects of marijuana use in conversations you may already be having about teen drinking.

Talking to your children in an honest and open way (earlier the better) can help them make better choices.


What was the moment for you?

Did you turn around in your kitchen one evening and find yourself having to look UP to catch the eye of your 6' foot man-child with George Clooney stubble? I did!

Believe me when I tell you that your teen cares about their changing body and how it stacks up in their friend group and Instagram feed. Reels and YouTube ARE their workout and body image sources. But are the health and fitness influencers behind them worth their salt?

I’ve referenced some of the more science-based health and fitness influencers and YouTubers, starting with a list of trustworthy heavy hitters in public health.

Check them out and maybe you can be the cool one at dinner tonight...

30 Top Public Health Influencers of 2020
The Best Science-Based Health and Wellness Influencers
50 Non-White Wellness Influencers to Diversity Your Feed
10 Male Fitness Influencers For Legit Workout Tips



Issue Six