3 Tiny Actions for More Purpose.

Rethink time, meaning and health in three minutes or less.

Hi there,

Welcome to issue twenty-three of The Bright Side, where I walk you through the process of changing your life 3-15 minutes at a time (you might notice a fresh look and feel).
Even if you are overwhelmed or not sure where life is headed, this will help you feel good one moment at a time.
It is high summer.
Still buzzing from The Head and the Heart's amazing show last night! 

Putting that energy into you as I sip coffee and write.
Let's go…

1. Truth

People who invest time in what excites them are 50% more likely to feel fulfilled.

2. Why It Matters.

Dropping into a passion mindset boosts mood and energy. It also encourages flow (when you're so involved that nothing else seems to matter).

Fulfillment and flow translates into achieving your goals and making better decisions.

For example, You can stay in a rut and wish your life was better. Or dedicate a few minutes each day to something that EXCITES you. To break that cycle.

You do that by small, consistent investments in something interesting to you.

This will build dopamine, which will wire this as a positive action.

3. Actions.

Pick an action, or do all three ;)

  • 3-min: Choose 1 object in your home that symbolizes passion or beauty. How did it get there? Why does it matter?

  • 5-min: Call or text a friend and ask them “if you had a free day with no obligations, how would you choose to spend it?”. See how you feel during and after the chat.

  • 15-min: Take a walk (no phone). What do you wish you knew more about or love to do, but aren't making time? When you get back, commit to what you'll do about that.

The art of curiosity is worth learning.

It sets you free from a boring life, one where you miss out on that life you want. 

Hope this was helpful.

I care about you,

Oh, and here is a flash poll: In your opinion, what matters more for a long and happy life?

I'll share the results in my next issue.


The results are in: Love or Money for a long, happy life?